If you know more or less where you’re headed when it comes to your style and what suits you, and simply need confirmation, Express Style is just for you. We will meet at a coffee shop to discuss the 3 major aesthetic principles surrounding your look, and will work together to refine your desired image. You will receive an Imageology personalized Style File detailing your unique look after the session. Express Style incorporates an express Body Beautiful, an express Colour Splash and an express Style Gemprint session and. Express Style is best when combined with a Chic Shopper Session.
Click on any one of the services below to read more about what is offered as part of the Express Style service.
Express Body Beautiful

Body Beautiful will help you look the best you’ve ever looked! Clothing creates an optical illusion that works for or against you: your wardrobe choices can mysteriously make you appear taller, shorter, slimmer or wider. During this session, you will learn about the principles of dressing, including the top conceal and reveal strategies to help you to understand how to dress your body better, as well as styles and fabrics will suit your body shape best.
Express Colour Splash
Are you afraid of colour? Do you know how to combine colours successfully? Colour either enhances or diminishes your physical characteristics, as well as elicits a psychological response from others. Wearing the right colours will soften your features and make you look radiant and youthful. The wrong colours will make you look drained, dull and even ill.
During an Express Colour Splash session we will analyse your skin tone and determine the colours that are best for your unique colouring. We will explain to you which hair colours, jewellery and make up colours will suit you best. You will receive a colour palette that will prove infinitely useful when you’re next out shopping.
Express Style Gemprint

The term ‘Gemprint’ refers to the unique ‘fingerprint’ of each diamond. At Imageology, we believe that everyone has a unique Style Gemprint.
Do you love a certain look but wonder why it doesn’t translate on you? Do you love a certain store but the clothes don’t quite suit you? Our clothes are an expression of our character, so finding a look that suits you is an important part of your image’s success. Together we will uncover your signature look so that you feel wonderful and appear confident, comfortable and secure in your clothes. An Express Style Gemprint session will give you much needed style direction to ensure that make better clothing and accessory choices in the future.